An Expert Cleaning Service You Can Trust

Our cleaning experts deliver the highest quality of cleaning you can always count on, let us help you with all of your cleaning and disinfecting responsibilities now.

         About Us

Our goal is to provide services to meet the needs of customers in the market.

Looking for a reliable company to take care of your cleaning or upholstery needs? Sergio’s Carpet & Cleaning Services has got you covered! We have been around since 2004 & our goal is to satisfy our customer’s needs every time. We offer quality services at affordable prices & use top-quality products in each one of our services. Free estimates are available upon request.

        What we do

We Provide The Best Services

Carpet/Rug Cleaning

Our professional carpet and rug cleaning service uses advanced equipment & cleaning techniques to remove dirt, stains, and odors, leaving your carpets and rugs looking and smelling fresh & clean.

Tile/Grout Cleaning

Our tile and grout cleaning service uses powerful steam cleaning equipment to remove dirt, grime, and stains from your tiles and grout, restoring their original shine and color to look like new.

Window Cleaning

Our window cleaning service leaves your windows streak-free and sparkling clean, using eco-friendly cleaning solutions and specialized equipment for hard-to-reach windows.

Power Washing

Our power washing service removes dirt, grime, & mildew from outdoor surfaces such as decks, patios, sidewalks, & driveways, restoring their original beauty & preventing damage from harmful contaminants.


Our upholstery cleaning service uses gentle yet effective cleaning solutions to remove dirt, stains, and odors from your furniture, leaving it looking and smelling fresh and clean as new.


Our janitorial services are designed to meet the unique needs of commercial properties, including office buildings, schools, and medical facilities, with customized cleaning plans and flexible scheduling options.

        What we are offering

Services Menu

Service Price Duration Category
Carpet/Rug Cleaning 43.00 2:0 Cleaning
Tile/Grout Cleaning 55.00 2:0 Cleaning
Window Cleaning 19.00 2:0 Washing
Power Washing 15.00 3:0 Washing
Upholstery 30.00 0:15 Washing
Janitorial 150.00 0:15 Washing
Housekeeping 98.00 0:15 Housekeeping

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9 + 15 =


P.O Box #783, Carpinteria, CA 93014


Business Hours

8 AM – 5 PM

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